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Honour, Nuture & Connect

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Transformational Coaching

If you are in the midst of a life change, or feel a stirring to awaken, evolve and shift your life, then the support of coaching is for you.


Balancing work, family and self care in this day and age is a continually evolving challenge. 

We are expected to do it all and to be everything to everyone. 

It is easy to get lost in the roles we play when always giving out to others. 

If a 'busy' mindset takes over, it can be hard to even imagine having time for self to figure out who you are and what you love.  

  • When did you last experience Joy?

  • Do you express yourself authentically?

  • What are your gifts and are you using them?


I draw on varied well-being tools and life experiences including managing the challenge, trauma and grief of losing loved ones; cultivating the courage, will and leadership skills to establish and successfully operate an independent Steiner School; the courage, balance and acumen required to set up a community Yoga Studio, and the skills of time management to balance life, work, and the commitment to consciously parenting my two gorgeous children. 

Accessing and being able to honour the wisdom of your soul, enables you to knowing when and how to create, when to rest, and when to leave, which are fundamental for  a fulfilling and balanced life.


Utilising Artistic Therapies, NLP, Counselling, Yoga, Leadership Development and Life Coaching principles, working with a coach in a space of non-judgement and support can open doors to yourself and bring aspects of self to light that you never imagined possible on your own.

Imagine someone meeting you just as you are, without judgement and with full support, to offer a space for you to acknowledge and be with every aspect of yourself, the dark and the light.


When you can be fully present to all aspects of self, you cultivate awareness, acceptance and enable more love and light to emerge, your life naturally transforms as a result. 


Whether you're ready for a full physical RESET or some gentle support, get in touch to discuss your needs.

Slow down...

busy is a mindset

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